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Showing posts with the label Is Bangladesh has really overtaken India?

Is Bangladesh has really overtaken India?

  When we think of Bangladeshis, we feel that they are extremely poor, fed up of hunger, that's why they come to India in search of work. But as you may have heard the story of a turtle and a rabbit in childhood, nowadays India is doing the same with Bangladesh. India, which was supposed to be a $ 5 trillion economy till 2020, has slept somewhere like that rabbit. And Bangladesh's tortoise is slowly overtaking us. Because according to the estimates of the International Monetary Fund, in 2020 the income of an average Bangladeshi will be more than that of an ordinary Indian. It may sound strange to you, but how right is it? Is Bangladesh's average income really higher than India? Let's calculate it. In the new report of the IMF, the IMF is saying that in 2020, the capita GDP of Bangladesh will exceed the capita GDP of India. What is Per capita GDP? By dividing the total GDP of any country by the total population of that country, the capital GDP of that country gets. And t...